Coached by the Best to Be the Best: My Journey with John Mattone, the Coach of Steve Jobs by Nick Jonsson

Coached by the Best to Be the Best: My Journey with John Mattone, the Coach of Steve Jobs by Nick Jonsson

In the world of professional coaching, the power of guidance and mentorship is undeniable. Just as athletes rely on expert coaches to reach peak performance, business professionals and individuals seeking personal growth can immensely benefit from coaching. My journey into the realm of advanced coaching training with ITD World introduced me to some of the finest minds in the field, including luminaries like Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Dr. Peter Chee, Dr. Marcia Reynolds, and, notably, Guru John Mattone, the renowned coach of Steve Jobs.

This article explores my profound learnings from John Mattone, a man often ranked as the #1 Coaching Guru and who had the unique privilege of coaching the iconic Steve Jobs.

The Link with Steve Jobs

Prior to his unfortunate demise, Steve Jobs discovered the book "Success Yourself," written by John Mattone. The message and concepts in the book deeply resonated with Jobs, and even the book's assessment struck a chord with him. This led to a fateful connection as Steve reached out to John, embarking on a coaching journey with him in 2010.

The collaboration between Steve Jobs and John Mattone not only resulted in further books authored by Jobs but also showcased the transformative power of coaching. Steve, known for his direct and assertive demeanor, discovered a compassionate side of himself through coaching. He realized the significance of exploring one's heart and soul, which he had neglected earlier in life. Jobs believed that had he delved into this aspect sooner, he could have been a better father, husband, and leader.

Uncovering Your "Purpose"

One of the crucial insights I gained on my journey, guided by John Mattone, is the significance of uncovering one's "WHY". Understanding one's purpose on this Earth is foundational to unlocking one's true potential. Having a clear vision for oneself is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth.

Emphasizing Vulnerability

John Mattone emphasized the significance of vulnerability in coaching. He reminded us that trust cannot exist without vulnerability. In our pursuit of becoming successful coaches, we must be willing to be vulnerable ourselves. Failure is an inevitable part of the journey, but it is through these experiences that we learn and navigate our future. Resilience, both in the spiritual and family aspects of life, plays a pivotal role in personal development.

Achieving Our Optimal Self

In our pursuit of self-improvement, we must consistently inquire, "What do I need to evolve into the best version of myself?" This commitment is unwavering. If we sense a void in our sense of purpose, it becomes our duty to establish methods and resources that assist us in addressing the fundamental questions: "Why are we here on Earth? What legacy shall we craft for others?"

The Essence of Intelligent Leadership

John Mattone's approach to Intelligent Leadership is founded on the concept of measurement. While some may avoid self-reflection, it is imperative that we gauge our self-concept, assess our character – both internally and externally – and harmonize ourselves with our greater purpose. This self-awareness forms the foundation upon which effective coaching is constructed.


My journey with John Mattone has underscored the notion that even coaches require their own mentors. It has shown that the presence of the right mentors can instill a belief in ourselves beyond our expectations. As we endeavor to reach our fullest potential, we must welcome vulnerability, unearth our "WHY," and align with our greater purpose. The leadership deficit we currently witness can be closed through Intelligent Leadership, a leadership model grounded in self-awareness and measurement, as exemplified by John Mattone throughout his distinguished career.

I am deeply grateful to Peter Chee, CEO of ITD World, for inviting me to be a part of this transformative learning experience. Little did I know that this journey would not only enrich my coaching skills but also profoundly impact my life. I am only one month into this CCMC training, and I will continue to reflect and share my learnings. If you too aspire to live a life beyond your wildest dreams, please contact me today if you are interested in coaching, a keynote or workshop, or would like to take a seat in one of the confidential peer groups at EGN.

If you don’t know where to start or if you need any help with your journey, contact me today.


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