Seek the Buzz, Skip the Booze

Embark on a journey towards a vibrant, sober life with Nick Jonsson, your dedicated Sober Coach.

Presenting the "Limitless Life"   Senior Executive Coaching Program with Nick Jonsson

Are You a Grey Zone Drinker?

Do you find yourself questioning your drinking habits? Wondering if you could lead a happier, healthier life without alcohol?

  • Waking up at 3 AM, regretting those extra drinks?

  • Promising yourself just one drink, but always reaching for more?

  • Worrying about social isolation without alcohol?

  • Stopping and starting your sobriety journey repeatedly?

  • Feeling physically and emotionally unwell despite quitting alcohol?

Explore how sobriety coaching can transform your life. Schedule a complimentary, confidential Discovery Call with Nick today.

Benefits of Choosing Sobriety

Imagine your life enhanced by clarity, vitality, and a deep sense of well-being—without relying on alcohol.

  • Emphasize the normalization of alcohol and challenge societal expectations.

  • Highlight the liberating aspect of mindful drinking and the benefits of a sober lifestyle.

  • Discuss the impact on physical and emotional health.


Why Nick?

Nick operates from a place of compassion and non-judgment. Using a blend of NLP, executive coaching and life coaching skills, and personal insights from his own sobriety journey, Nick helps you reconnect with your true self, enabling profound transformations.

Nick's coaching isn't just about avoiding alcohol; it's about rediscovering your joy and crafting a life you love.

Don’t let alcohol dictate your life’s story. Let’s redefine what happiness means to you.

Ready to take the first step?

Book your Discovery Call with Nick and start your journey to a fulfilling, alcohol-free life today. Nick does not work with anyone who is clinically dependent on alcohol, as addressing clinical dependency requires specialized treatment beyond the scope of coaching. However, he is happy to have a discovery call to guide you to appropriate resources. Professional standards and Codes of Ethics are vital in Sobriety Coaching, just as they are in any area of Coaching or Therapy.

Take action now and begin your path to recovery. For more information and support resources, Nick recommends getting a copy of his #1 international best-selling book, "Executive Loneliness"

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About Nick

Nick Jonsson, a renowned figure in Singapore, underwent a life-altering experience by committing to sobriety in May 2018.

His journey as an accomplished Amazon No. 1 Best-selling author, executive coach, life coach, and Ironman athlete showcases a comprehensive and distinctive perspective on sobriety coaching.

Holding certifications from ITD World as a Master Coach and the International Coaching Federation, along with accreditation from the Sober Club in the UK, Nick stands prepared to support individuals in navigating a path towards enhanced purpose, well-being, and contentment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Grey zone drinking refers to a pattern where individuals aren't clinically dependent on alcohol but still experience negative effects from their drinking habits. It's a space where you might be questioning if alcohol is serving you well.

  • Sober coaching focuses on creating and maintaining a sober lifestyle through actionable strategies and personal support. Unlike therapy, which often delves into past traumas and issues, coaching is more oriented toward building future positive behaviors and habits.

  • The Discovery Call is a confidential and complimentary session where Nick will discuss your goals, challenges related to alcohol, and how sober coaching can benefit you. It’s a no-pressure opportunity to see if this coaching is the right fit for you.

  • No, you do not need to have stopped drinking. Whether you're just beginning to consider sobriety or have already taken steps towards it, Nick's coaching can start from exactly where you are.

  • The duration varies depending on your personal goals and needs. Some clients see significant changes within a few sessions, while others may choose to engage in coaching for several months.

  • Nick uses a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), certified coaching techniques, and insights from his own journey to sobriety, along with practical advice to help you achieve your sobriety goals.

  • Absolutely. All sessions and conversations are strictly confidential, respecting your privacy and providing a safe space to discuss your experiences and goals.

  • Yes, choosing sobriety doesn't mean isolating yourself. Nick can provide strategies for navigating social situations without alcohol and maintaining your social life while staying true to your sober goals.

  • Relapse can be part of the journey to sustained sobriety. Nick’s approach is non-judgmental and supportive, focusing on learning from the experience and strengthening your commitment to sobriety.

  • If you find yourself questioning your drinking habits or facing consequences from drinking that make you uncomfortable, yet you're not physically dependent on alcohol, you might be a grey zone drinker. Booking a Discovery Call can help clarify your situation.