Part Six - Stop trying to prove you’re a man. Just be one

Manhood and Masculinity Blog Posts Series

Embracing Authentic Manhood: Moving Beyond the Need for Validation

For many men, life can seem like a burden. After all, we're often expected to be the breadwinners while also fulfilling our day-to-day responsibilities and obligations. On top of that, with modern media constantly bombarding us with visuals of perfection and success, it can feel overwhelming (and sometimes impossible) to try and measure up. But not having a life isn't a foregone conclusion - there are ways we can proactively work towards achieving our goals for ourselves in order to have an overall more meaningful existence. In this blog posts series, I'm going to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional model of "masculinity," why most men don't have a life, and provide practical advice on how modern men can be the best version of themselves, both as individuals and in their relationships with others.

See Part One - Most men don’t have a life here

See Part Two - Get your relationship with your father on the right track today

See Part Three - The benefits of having real male friendships

See Part Four - Rekindling a connection to nature

See Part Five - Embracing vulnerability in men

Stop trying to prove you’re a man. Just be one.  

Constantly trying to prove that you are a man is an exhausting exercise and is a distraction from being one. Instead of spending your energy showcasing the traditional markers of masculinity for other people's approval, focus on doing the things that make you feel fulfilled. Being able to spend time outdoors, manage finances responsibly and make meaningful connections are some of the ways a man can thrive. When we stop trying to prove ourselves and start living as men, not only will this enrich our everyday lives - it also reinforces what being a man really means in today's world.

When it comes to being a man, there's no need to prove anything. It's not about impressing others or trying to prove your worth—it is about being true to yourself and confidently embracing your masculinity. Being a man is not about wearing masks or hiding behind bravado—it is about being honest and owning up to your flaws while still striving for growth. 

Let’s take a look at why you shouldn't waste time trying to prove you're a man, and instead how you can be one. 

Stop Wearing Masks 

There are too many men out there who wear masks, hiding their true selves from the world in an effort to seem more “manly” or masculine. The problem with this approach is that it does nothing but conceal who we really are. We end up spending our lives trying to live up to someone else's ideals of what it means to be a man, which leads us down an exhausting path of never-ending self-doubt and insecurity. We must break this cycle by learning how to take off our masks and just be ourselves without feeling the need for validation from anyone else. 

Real Men Admit Their Flaws 

It takes courage and strength for any man—or woman—to admit his or her flaws and take ownership of them. Real men don't put on airs; they recognize their mistakes, own up them, learn from them, apologize where necessary, and then move forward with greater clarity and understanding of themselves. They accept that they will never be perfect but strive each day towards self-improvement in order to become the best version of themselves possible. This type of courage allows us to grow as individuals rather than stay stuck in the same negative patterns over and over again.  


Embrace Your Masculinity  

In order to truly embrace our masculinity we have to first understand what it really means—and contrary to popular belief it has nothing do with power or dominance over others but rather inner power, respect for oneself and others, emotional maturity, strength of character and compassion towards all living things around us. We should strive everyday not only for physical excellence but also mental excellence such as expanding our knowledge base by reading books or listening podcasts that stimulate our minds, honing our leadership skills so we can help those around us reach their fullest potentials as well as finding ways in which we can give back positively into society through charitable works or volunteering in causes close dear to us. These activities help build character as well as help build strong bonds between individuals which ultimately leads towards greater overall success within communities.  

When it comes down it, being a man isn't about proving yourself—it's about owning who you are without fear or apology. There is no mask needed when you have embraced your masculinity with open arms. Real men admit their flaws without shame, embrace their individual strengths without arrogance, learn continuously without ceasing, and lead by example rather than words alone. All in all, real men focus on becoming better versions of themselves each day, both mentally & physically, so they can serve as role models & positive influences on those around them. So stop trying to prove you’re a man — just be one !

Writing this Manhood and Masculinity blog post series has been an adventure for me and I hope that it's been just as enjoyable for the readers who followed along. It is my sincere hope that the advice I've given in this series has provided guidance on how men can be their ideal versions of themselves; not just in terms of achieving success, but in how to effectively nurture relationships with others. Living up to these standards isn't always easy, but by living each day with intention, perseverance and a good dose of self-compassion, we can work towards being the best version of ourselves.


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