Part Four - Rekindling a Connection to Nature

Manhood and Masculinity Blog Posts Series

Rekindling a Connection to Nature: Embracing Strength and Serenity

For many men, life can seem like a burden. After all, we're often expected to be the breadwinners while also fulfilling our day-to-day responsibilities and obligations. On top of that, with modern media constantly bombarding us with visuals of perfection and success, it can feel overwhelming (and sometimes impossible) to try and measure up. But not having a life isn't a foregone conclusion - there are ways we can proactively work towards achieving our goals for ourselves in order to have an overall more meaningful existence. In this blog posts series, I'm going to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional model of "masculinity," why most men don't have a life, and provide practical advice on how modern men can be the best version of themselves, both as individuals and in their relationships with others.

See Part One - Most men don’t have a life here

See Part Two - Get your relationship with your father on the right track today

See Part Three - The benefits of having real male friendships

Rekindling a Connection to Nature 

Taking the time to explore and connect with nature can be a profoundly powerful experience for men. Whether that means going for a hike or simply taking some time to appreciate the beauty of nature, there are countless ways to connect with the great outdoors. Disconnecting from the demands of daily life and engaging with our natural environment offers us clarity and space for reflection, as well as a feeling of strength. Not only does being in nature increase physical capabilities, but it also encourages emotional growth, allowing us to explore ourselves without the pressures or expectations of other people. By dedicating time solely to ourselves and nature, we are able to escape reliance on others, creating more fulfilling experiences and deepening personal relationships. Being connected with nature is an invaluable way that makes us stronger, both mentally and physically.

Let’s take a closer look at why this is so important and how it can be beneficial for physical and mental well-being. 

Exploring Nature Reduces Stress Levels 

Exploring nature is an effective way to reduce stress levels, as being in nature has been found to have calming effects. Studies have shown that spending just 20 minutes in natural environments can greatly reduce stress hormones like cortisol. Additionally, engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking can improve your mood and decrease feelings of fear and anger. Other research has suggested that exposure to natural environments helps us detach from our worries and provides us with a perspective on our lives.  


Exploring Nature Improves Cognitive Functioning 

Time spent in natural environments also has been found to improve cognitive functioning like memory, attention span, creativity, problem-solving skills, and more. One study conducted by Stanford University demonstrated that participants who went on walks through nature were able to come up with more creative solutions than their counterparts who walked through urban areas. That same study also showed that participants’ ability to complete complex tasks was improved after spending time in nature versus completing those same tasks indoors or in busy urban settings.  


Connecting With Nature Improves Mental Health 

Finally, connecting with nature is an effective way for men to strengthen their sense of purpose and connection—two factors which are essential for overall emotional well-being. In fact, research suggests that people who spend time outdoors tend to have higher self-esteem, feel less anxious or depressed, and have better coping skills when faced with difficult situations. This may be due in part because being outdoors often encourages people to focus on something other than themselves—on the beauty of their surroundings rather than dwelling on any personal issues they may be facing at the moment.   

In today's modern world, it can be easy to forget the importance of connecting with nature and how essential this is for manhood and masculinity. Connecting with nature allows us to tap into something much larger than ourselves and our immediate environment. There is great power in experiencing the fullness of nature, from looking out on a vast expanse of the horizon to getting lost in the little details of natural life like the trill of a bird or rustle of an animal. Taking in these sensory experiences forces men to look inward and connect with their instinctual urges which can lead to greater appreciation for the balances that make up our universe. Nature provides insight into an awareness beyond ones mental capacities, creating a structure and harmony with life that can bring peace and fulfillment. Connecting with nature helps bring feelings of being grounded, centered, secure, energised, and more connected - all critical conditions for embracing true manhood and masculinity.

In part five of this blog series we will see how expressing emotions allows us to release stress, sadness and other negative feelings that can otherwise stay bottled-up inside us, so allowing yourself to cry doesn't make you any less of a man but actually helps make you more emotionally healthy.


Part Five - Embracing Vulnerability in Men


How Can Leaders Take a First Step to Improve Self-leadership?