Keynote at the National HR Conference Sri Lanka 2024: Leading with Purpose and Authenticity

I had the profound honor of being the opening keynote speaker at the highly anticipated National HR Conference 2024, organized by The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) Sri Lanka. Held on the 5th and 6th of June at the Monarch Imperial in Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, this landmark event brought together HR professionals from across the country, aiming to tackle the pressing challenges and emerging trends in Human Resources.

 My keynote, titled "Leading with Purpose and Authenticity: Navigating the HR Horizon," was a deeply personal journey I shared with the audience. Reflecting on my career, I spoke about how I believed I had a successful, perfect path—ascending the corporate ladder, earning promotions, and achieving what society deemed as success. My university teacher's words, "In sport, #2 is the first loser; approach your study in the same way," fueled my relentless drive to win scholarships, top my classes, and reach top positions in large organizations.

I brought this hard working, winning mindset into the workplace. However, upon reaching senior executive leadership positions and what I thought was the pinnacle of my career, I found myself feeling lonely, lost, and isolated. The façade of success crumbled, leading to a series of personal crises: resignation from my job, filing for divorce, and being separated from my five-year-old son. This dark period plunged me into depression.

 My journey back to a fulfilling life is a testament to resilience and self-discovery. During my keynote, I shared the five transformative steps I took:

1. Surrender: Accepting the reality of my situation, deflating my ego, starting to ask for help, and owning up to my character defects.

2. Purpose: Identifying my purpose and crafting the legacy I want to leave behind.

3. Connection: Building safe spaces both personally and professionally where we can be vulnerable. We need to care about our social health.

4. Goals: Setting clear, purposeful goals that resonated with my authentic self.

5. Discipline: Cultivating discipline to stay committed to my path and purpose.

Anushka Earskin, Head of Business School at CIPM Sri Lanka, praised the keynote, saying, "Nick's presentation captivated over 1,000 local and international HR professionals with its compelling and relatable content. His session was rich with real-life stories, encouraging professionals to reflect on their own experiences."

The response to my keynote was overwhelmingly positive, with nearly 100 messages of appreciation pouring in from various social media channels. This enthusiastic feedback highlights the relevance and urgency of leading with purpose and authenticity in today's HR landscape. HR professionals recognize that purpose-driven leadership is essential for fostering an engaged and motivated workforce. Authenticity builds trust and drives organizational success in our rapidly evolving world.

"Nick's insights were profoundly relevant to anyone navigating the pressures of balancing work and personal life. His five-step approach to finding purpose and authenticity was particularly impactful," added Anushka Earskin. "Nick shared his personal journey through these steps and how they enabled him to achieve his most ambitious dreams."

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all participants for their enthusiastic engagement. Special appreciation goes to Anushka Earskin, Ken Vijayakumar - Chartered FCIPM, Himali Dasanayake, and the entire CIPM team for organizing such a transformative event. The opportunity to connect, learn, and grow with fellow HR professionals was invaluable.

As we look forward, let's embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead. By staying true to our values and purpose, we can navigate the complexities of the HR horizon, creating workplaces that are not only resilient but also thriving and fulfilling for all.


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