Episode 132: Illka Gobius - The Imperatives for Communicating during a Cyber Incident

This is episode #132 of EGN Leadership Conversations: The untold Secrets of the C-Suite by Nick Jonsson and we are pleased to have with us Illka Gobius, CEO and Managing Director - Pinpoint PR. Illka is talking to us about the Imperatives for communicating during a cyber incident.

Contact Illka to collaborate with her:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/illkagobius/
Email: illka@pinpointpr.sg

Visit our website to find more podcast https://egnpeernetwork.com/podcasts/
LinkedIn: EGN Singapore (Executives' Global Network)


Episode 133: Melanie Lindquist - Out of Home Media


Episode 131: Rajiv Ramani - Managing Working Capital.