Executive Loneliness: Overcoming Addiction and Finding Purpose with Nick Jonsson

Overcoming Addiction and Finding Purpose with Nick Jonsson

Every Moment is a Choice

Loneliness is an epidemic. But amongst executives and leaders, it can be even more devastating, because it's a silent epidemic.

Combine a high-pressure environment, professional stigma, and lack of support: it's a recipe for loneliness that can lead to depression, addiction, and even suicide.

But there is hope. Nick Jonsson opens up with his raw personal journey through loneliness, addiction, and recovery to where he is today--a mental wellness advocate for executives, a successful Ironman triathlete, and the Co-Founder and MD of Asia's largest confidential executive peer network.

Listen in to hear his five steps for executives and leaders to regain their lives if they are suffering from loneliness on this podcast hosted by Erika Behl.

Vulnerability may be hard, but dealing with isolation and depression is harder. Nick chooses his new path every day. Listen in to hear how you can too.

Published: 2023-25-10



Mental Health: How To Overcome Executive Loneliness


Pouring Out Loneliness with Nick Jonsson